Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Can't access my customize menu / White screen…

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  • #69559

    I’ve been using your theme Education pro for a little while now, a theme ( which I bought ).
    But now I no longer can access the customize menu, Every time I try to click on Apparence > Customize all I see is a white screen with the title ( Loading… )

    I urgently nee to fix it because we have to change some content.

    I Honestly need help.

    Thank you


    Hello @groupeilboudo,

    The theme is working fine on our server with the latest version of WordPress.

    So if you have installed any third party plugins besides the one that is recommended by the theme then please try disabling them one by one and verify the issue.

    If the issue is resolved then you will know the exact plugin causing the issue.

    If the issue still persists kindly let us know.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!

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