Home Forums Free Themes Education Hub Change display of Image size of Sliders


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  • #6231

    I love the Education Hub theme, but need to modify the image size of the sliders. I don’t see any sizes listed in the CSS. Where can I modify the size. The slider images appearing on the test site are too large. Seems like the program is defaulting and changing the size to fill the screen. I want to reduce the size to something like 800 x 600.

    thanks for the help


    Hello @gt420hp, you can change the width and height parameter in below function.

    function education_hub_custom_header_setup() {
    	add_theme_support( 'custom-header', apply_filters( 'education_hub_custom_header_args', array(
    		'default-image'          => '',
    		'default-text-color'     => '666666',
    		'header-text'            => false,
    		'width'                  => 1420,
    		'height'                 => 180,
    		'flex-height'            => true,
    	) ) );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'education_hub_custom_header_setup' );

    Re-upload image or regenerate your image sizes. You may also need CSS workaround after these changes.

    Thank you


    Where would I find this function? What is the page code. I am assuming I just edit existing code in that page? or am I ending this somewhere?

    Sorry…not a “real” developer lol….just a wannabe one.


    Hello @gt420hp

    To change the width and height of the slider as per your wish, you need to add custom CSS.
    For this you need to go to Admin Panel / Appearance / Customize / Theme Options / Advanced Options.
    In this section you will see a box to write custom CSS. Copy and paste following CSS in that box.

    div#main-slider {
        height: 600px !important;
        width: 800px !important;

    Replace the attribute width and height as your wish. You can remove width attribute if you wish to fit the window.
    Hope this will help to resolve your issue.
    Let me know how it goes.

    Best Regards!!!


    This is perfect. I did remove the height as that was the issue. The slider in original size was too high, causing the content section below to not appear on a desktop/laptop environment. Not everybody will scroll down if it doesn’t appear that something is showing below the slider. By making the height smaller, the content pages appear enough to keep a visitor scrolling down the page.

    thanks for the code snippet….exactly what I was looking for….


    @gt420hp, glad that we could be of help ! Also thank you for the appreciating feedback. We are too thinking to adjust the slider in demo as per your view.

    Have a nice day !


    Please Help!!! I purchased the Education Hub Pro through Paypal, #6729, what do I do next, I couldn’t download the theme online. Your fast response would be appreciated. Please email me at miaopianist@gmail.com


    @miaopianist, after you completed the check-out process, you can download the theme from the ‘Thank You’ screen or the link provided in your purchase receipt email.

    For more details, check out this walk-through article.



    Your site is using the free version of the theme. Please install and activate the premium version to get the license input field for your theme.


    Hello, thank you for this useful thread. I made the slider image smaller but now I would like it to be centered. Right now it’s on the left side of the page and looks odd. Any additional instructions I can put it? (I am not a programmer but can manage simple inputs). Thanks.


    Following up to my previous comment, I guess what I need is for the sidebar to come up to the top of the page now that I’ve reduced the image size. Right now there is a big blank to the right of the slider. That is probably what I need vs. centering the slider. Thank you.


    Hello @arabicmusicretreat,

    Please create a new thread for your issues, so that we can sort and solve your issue.

    We hope you understand,
    Best regards.

    Steven Volk

    I was following the question above: To change the width and height of the slider as per your wish, you need to add custom CSS.
    For this you need to go to Admin Panel / Appearance / Customize / Theme Options / Advanced Options.

    The problem is that I can’t find “Advanced Options” under Theme Options, and no place that I can add new script to change the height of the slider. Advice?


    Hello @steve-glca,

    The WordPress by default has provided the option to add the additional custom CSS .

    For this go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS .

    Here paste your desired custom CSS for any additional modification.

    Hope this helps .

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day .

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