Home Forums Pro Themes Travel Master Pro Change pre-filled names in search function

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  • #122999

    Hello, I have asked this question at the WP travel plugin forum, but it is something in the Theme Travel master Pro that I am using.

    I am wondering if I can change the names Trip Type and Location in the Search function on this page:

    And then of course where ever the search function will show.

    The answer I got via an email is that it is only possible with a hard core programming.

    Is this true or is it possible to change it in an easy way?
    Maybe make one of the menu options the selected choice?

    Thank you in advance for your reply,



    Since the text is hardcoded we are unable to change the code easily and that is what we have informed you through email.

    We have informed the theme author about this, we will release the update with the change in code soon so that we can apply the code easily without any code override it.

    We will inform you after the update.


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