Home Forums Pro Themes Construction Base Pro Customize colors

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  • #57096
    Beck Forsland

    I’m having issues customizing colors on my homepage using the Construction Base Pro theme.

    My buttons (ie search button and front page widget buttons) are not showing up with text until I hover over them. I am searching through the color customization, but I can’t figure out where it is.

    Can you help?

    Beck Forsland

    Also of note: in admin view, the website buttons appear to be correct: white text, blue button. It’s only in the published view that the words are the same color (blue) as the button itself.

    Beck Forsland

    One more note: I really want every.single.button text to be white. Where can I override any customization and just make all buttons contain white text?



    Hello @cabriollc,

    The theme has already provided the option to manage the button color .

    For this go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Color Options > Basic Color Options. There you will find different options to manage the button color .

    Hope this helps.

    Let us know if you have any confusion further .

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day .

    Beck Forsland


    I’ve got “button text color” set to #ffffff and yet the button text color is still not #ffffff everywhere. See screenshot:


    Any idea why the button color isn’t doing its thing?



    Hello @cabriollc,

    Actually when you change the link color by going to color options > Home widget Color option, it will change the color of the text of the button in widget sections as it is also the link .

    So please do not make the change in link color option from widget color option and set it to default value . If you do not make any change here then the button color that you have changed from color option > Basic color option will be applied to entire button in the site .

    Hope this clears up the confusion.

    Best Regards!!

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