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    I’ve recently added a feature image slider to my main page. My images are all about 650px in width but the slider seems to be stretching the images to a much larger size. How can I edit the height/width of the slider?

    I’ve tried changing a few percentage values in the css related to the slider, but that doesn’t seem to be the issue.



    Width of the slider image you are using is small than recommended.

    The recommended slider image dimension is 1420px X 550px.

    Hope this helps


    I understand that. But what if I don’t want to use an image that large? Is there a way to adjust the dimensions of the slider itself so I could use a smaller image?


    If you use an image less than the recommended size then it tends to stretch to fit to the fullwidth. It effects on the pixel resolution of the image so reduce the picture quality.

    Therefore you need to choose quite bigger image approx to the recommended image size .

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