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  • #62887

    When uploading an image, square or rectangle, in the BF: Features widget it is not going to the bottom of the 6 options (hope this makes sense!), only as far down as the first four (2 on each side). What are the dimensions so that I can get this to fit properly?

    Alternatively, how can I get four blocks with two on each side rather than three on the left and one on the right?

    Again, thank you for your help.



    Hello @jamest,

    To make the image appear as in the demo in the features section you need to upload the image of size “410×515 px” Approx.

    Also, the theme is designed in such way that it will display three posts on either side. But to make the four post display on either side requires higher code customization as we need to workout with the design as well.

    So if you still want the feature then hire a professional developer for your customization, so that your theme will no be affected in any way.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below

    We hope it helps 🙂 ,

    Best Regards.


    Thank you. Unfortunately, I am not making this work. Whatever the size of my photo it will only come as low as the bottom of the second icon. The Demo shows it coming to the bottom of the third icon. I have put up a 450px square jpg file at jamestalbot.net to show.

    No need for the developer at the moment, I will not need more than three per side.


    Hello @jamest,

    Yes, in the demo version the image occupies the entire space in the middle and the image size used in the demo version is 485X610You/strong>.

    You are getting such issue maybe beacuse you of the height of the image. the height of the image should be altleast more than 515px.

    So please once try by uploading the image of the size that is used in the demo version i.e. 485X610 px.

    Hope this workout.

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day 🙂 .


    Looking at this in more detail, when I upload a file the name is changed, at your end apparently, from 1030071_sq450.jpg to 1030071_sq450-300×300.jpg. I have uploaded a file (482x608px) to which has been added the suffix -238×300. The height stays the same but the picture is a bit thinner.

    Please, can you have another look at this?

    Many thanks.



    Hello @jamest,

    While uploading the image of the size we recommended, please make sure to select the option “Full Size” from the drop-down in the option Size under Attachment Display Setting.



    Also when checked locally the image is working fine as you can see in below screenshot.


    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!


    Thank you, spot on! Apologies for “user error…”


    Hello @jamest,

    Glad that your issue is resolved 🙂 .

    If you have any issue further, please feel free to post.

    Best Regards!!

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