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  • #62458


    I am really enjoying working with this theme. Two questions:

    1/ How can I place the slider further down the Home page?

    2/ In the Service Section with the blue circles, how do I change the image in the middle (diamond, star etc)? Also where can I find a list of them? Also, can I personalise them with, say, my icon picture?

    Many thanks.



    Hello @jamest,

    Firstly, thank you very much for buying the pro version.

    Now your queries have been answered below:

    Query #1,

    You can change the placement of the Homepage section through the use of child theme. Please let us know where do you exactly want to place the slider so that we can provide the precise fix with some custom code which you need to add to your child theme.


    The icons that are displayed inside the blue circle are the font awesome icons and the theme has already provided the option where you can change the icon as per requirement.

    For this just go to Admin Panel > App[earance > Customize > Widget > Front Page widget Area and place the widget BF: Services . Here you can find the filed to enter the fontawesome class of the icon.



    To find the list of icon, you can refer to below given link:


    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day.


    Thank you for your quick response. I will get back to you about the slider, still at the early stages of design. Awesome number of icons!


    Hello @jamest,

    Yes please do let us know about the placement of the slider so that we can help you.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!

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