Home Forums Pro Themes Myself Pro How can I change the titles (address, phone no) of contact section

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  • #98570
    John Clayton


    I’m creating a german website, and the section titles of the contact form, specifically address, phone no are still in english – what’s the recommended way to change these to German please?



    Contact form being an external plugin, translation of the string belonging to the plugin is not given by the theme and you should manually enter the translated string while creating a form.

    In the label field while creating a form, please enter the translated string i.e German strings so that the strings appears translated in the front end.

    Hope this clears your confusion.

    Best Regards!

    John Clayton


    Thanks for the quick reply. The fields I’m talking about at in fact part of the theme – NOT the plugin.

    Specifically; here:

    <ul class="contact-info">
                                <?php if ( ! empty( $options['contact_address'] ) ) : ?>
                                        <?php echo myself_pro_get_svg( array( 'icon' => 'location' ) ); ?>
                                        <span class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Address :', 'myself-pro' ); ?></span><span class="address"><?php echo wp_kses_post( $options['contact_address'] ); ?></span>
                                <?php endif; ?>

    specifically, I refer to this line:

    <?php esc_html_e( ‘Address :’, ‘myself-pro’ ); ?>

    I know I can change the file, but this isn’t the right way – how do I correctly put a German word in for ‘Address :’, it’s something to do with the pto / mo files?

    Thank you.



    The string is translation ready and can be translated to any languages.

    For the translation of the string, you can use the Loco translated plugin.

    To be clear on this refer to below-given link:


    So, translate the “Address” as well following the process mentioned the above link.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    John Clayton

    Perfect! That worked a charm – thank you for pointing me in the right direction, I was aware WordPress was good with multi languages, and your tip was the final “glue” that made it fall into place. 🙂 Happy!



    Glad that we could help you.

    Feel free to reach us for any further query/confusion.


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