Home Forums Pro Themes Daily Insight Pro How can I choose event categories in Selection?

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  • #62097

    Hi, I’m using event manager plugin with Daily Insight Pro.
    I want to choose event categories on selections.
    Please teach me how to change from cateories to event categories.


    Here is the homepage of event manager plugin.


    Hello @homiebridge,

    At first please make us clear whether you want to set up the available section using the Event Manager plugin or not?

    If you want to set the section using the categories from event manager plugin then let us make clear that the plugin is not made compatible with the theme and you cannot set up the section choosing the category from event manager plugin.

    And as much we would love to help you with this we are unable to do so as it requires higher code customization.

    Our suggestion to you is to hire a professional developer for your customization so that your theme will no be affected in any way.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below

    We hope it helps,

    Best Regards.

    Have a good day 🙂 .

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