Home Forums Pro Themes Construction Base Pro How do I change slide title

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  • #58645
    Keith Rousseau

    How do I change the slide title 1 & 2 text? Followed instructions and have not yet found a way to do this. Also is it possible to add more Slides. Thanks!


    Hello @krousseau,

    The construction base pro has the multiple option to set the slider .

    So if you set the slider from the page, you can go to individual page edit screen to change the title and image .

    Screen shot :

    Similarly if you chose post/category/tag to display the slider you have to go to individual post edit screen to change the title and image

    If you select the image option then you will find the option to change the title and image within the customizer .

    You can definitely set more than 2 slider in the theme . You can set up to 20 slider .

    Hope this clears the confusion .

    Best Regards!!

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