Home Forums Free Themes Yummy how do I remove a foto from my content.php + change size of category posts

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    i am using yummy (free) and i would like to remove this image on my homepage:


    is it possible? if not, is there any way I can change the size or place it centered?

    Another problem:

    I have created a categroy, with 4 different posts (wich each having its own cover picture). I have placed the category in my main menu, but the problem is that the posts appear very big and centric, and i would like to have 2 posts next to each other (like 5×5 cm ) instead of having them on beneth another
    Is it possible to box them?

    problem no 3:
    I need to change the ITEM MENU SECTION

    the Select Category is correct, but i need to show the post picture of each post or at least must modify the categroy content (layout doesnt appear correctly). Is it possible to disable the categroy name as well?I d prefer having only “MENU” written there.

    please check out my page:


    thanks for your help


    Hello @pinksoul91,

    To remove the image on the homepage use below given CSS.

    For this go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additiona CSS and paste the CSS.

    .home .page-decoration img {
        display: none;

    Now as for your query related to the category page, we found that you have completely customized the theme.

    The category page is displaying fine as you can see in the demo of the theme.


    Also, do not make any modification directly in your parent theme. All of the modification will be lost upon update to the latest version.

    You need to go through the child theme for any modification on the theme.

    Regarding your third query, the theme itself does not have such feature so as much as we would love to help you this we are unable to do so as if falls beyond the support we offer for our product.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!

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