Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro How to Edit Feature Post Excerpt

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    I have three posts for my featured content on my home page. By default, the theme puts the title and first 150 words or so of the post under the featured image as an excerpt. I would like to put custom text under here without changing the introduction of my post. I apologize if this problem has already been addressed on here, but I did not see it brought up yet.


    Hello @jeremystiehl,

    Featured post area takes post excerpt as the text below the featured image.

    To put custom text you can simply put your custom text in the custom Excerpt field in your post edit screen of your selected post below the default post editor.

    In case you cant find the custom Excerpt field in the edit screen please make sure Excerpt box is checked under screen options in the same page.

    Hope this helps you,
    Have a great weekend ahead.


    Thank you!



    Nice to know that the problem has been solved. If there are any further query, then, please feel free to post them.
    We would really appreciate if you could help us too by rating our theme in WordPress repo here:-

    Best regards.

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