Home Forums Free Themes Education Hub How to remove "Archive for " in breadcrumb

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    I set category “News” to primary menu, but I found the breadcrumb shows likes this “Archive for News”,how can I remove the words “Archive for ” from the breadcrumb?


    Nobody replies me.


    Hello @andyzhou,

    We apologize for the late reply .

    Now to remove the “Archive for” you have to go through the child theme approach .

    Child theme references:

    You can also create the child theme using the plugins. Below is the link to one of them.


    After creating the child theme in your child’s themes functions.php file paste below given code.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any confusion further, please let us know.

    Best Regards!!


    I tried the github code you referenced above. It returned a “fatal error” on line 140, which is the last line.


    Hello @andyzhou,

    While we have tested the code on our side, the code is working correctly.

    Please provide us the details of the error ( Complete Error notice ) and the codes in your child theme’s functions.php file so that we can check the issue and provide some precise fix.

    Best Regards !!


    If I add the code code from github directly into php functions, the code works. However, if I try to add the cost with the Snippets plugin, I get this error:

    The code snippet you are trying to save produced a fatal error on line 140:

    Cannot redeclare education_hub_simple_breadcrumb() (previously declared in /home/healt933/public_html/freddykaltenborn.com/wp-content/themes/education-hub/inc/helper/common.php:52)


    Hello @andyzhou,

    The fix we have provided via child theme approach requires the code to be placed in the Child theme’s functions.php file.

    As the quick customization approach is working due to the function_exists() wrapper of the parent theme, and the child theme’s functions are loaded before parent’s functions. Also, we cannot control the order of functions while using custom code plugin, the issue seems to be seen on your website.

    Our suggestion would be to use the code through the child theme’s functions.php file.

    If you have any confusions further, please feel free to write back to us.

    Best Regards !!

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