Home Forums Pro Themes Realestate Base Pro Image – change to prevent viewers from opening

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  • #95813
    Justin Keane

    How do I disable the left click option on images to prevent website viewers from opening images?
    When adding images to Projects, both under Project cover image and Project gallery, our website viewers are able to left click on the image and the image will open the permalink aka the full size photo. We need to disable this feature to prevent viewers from saving our photos.



    Can you please provide your site URL so that we can inspect and provide the precise fix?

    Thank you.

    Justin Keane

    Here is my site: http://www.wynmarkcommercial.com

    Also, on my homepage the ‘RB:Call To Action’ widget titled “Healthcare specialty” I am unable to change the widget color. It’s currently navy blue. What is this section labeled/referenced as under the Color Options customization? (none of my ‘Home Widget Color Options’ are navy blue so I’m not sure how this widget is navy blue)

    Same goes for my homepage widget ‘RB:Portfolio:PORTFOLIO GALLERY’. The semi transparent color behind the project title is navy blue as well as the hover color over the words “All” “Brokerage” “Property Management” “Investment” and “Development”.
    Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide!



    When we inspected your site URL we found that to resolve the issue we need to modify the whole template which requires higher code customization.

    So, if you want to disable the click then you need to hire our professional developer.

    To hire a developer please refer to below given link:


    To change the color of the CTA section add below given CSS in Aditional CSS.

    #sidebar-front-page-widget-area .cta-layout-1.realestate_base_widget_call_to_action {
        background: #000000;

    For the portfolio, section add below given CSS.

    .realestate_base_widget_portfolio .portfolio-filter a:hover, .realestate_base_widget_portfolio .portfolio-filter a.current {
        background: #232323;

    You can change the color code as per your requirement.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

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