Home Forums Free Themes Clean Commerce insert the slider ONLY on the main page of the site

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  • #65330

    Hello. Help to solve the problem please. It is necessary to insert the slider instead of the carousel of records ONLY on the main page of the site. The insertion of the slider corresponds to the function <? Php
    echo do_shortcode (‘[smartslider3 slider = 2]’);
    ?>. If you paste it into the site header, the slider works on all pages. If you insert a function into the index.php file, then the slider does not work. What to do? link to the site http://teplovid.com


    Hello @lyuba-dobrovskaya,

    If you wish to replace the theme’s default carousal with your custom slider shortcode, you will need to make customization via a child theme.

    Child Theme Reference : https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

    You can also automate the process with child theme generator plugin.

    After creating and activating the child theme, paste the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file :

    function clean_commerce_render_featured_carousel(){
      echo do_shortcode('[smartslider3 slider=2]');

    This will replace the featured carousel with your custom slider.

    If you have any further issues, please let us know.

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!


    Hello. The daughter theme was made using a plugin. The code is pasted. I did everything according to your instructions, but nothing has changed. Slider is not visible, carousel remained. Help solve the problem.


    child theme*


    Hello @lyuba-dobrovskaya,

    While we have inspected your website URL, the clean commerce parent theme is still the active theme in your website.

    Please make sure you have activated the created child theme on your website and check if the issue is resolved.

    If you have any queries further, please feel free to write back to us.

    Best Regards !!


    Please check now. All styles, logo and others disappeared. The slider did not work. Can eat other method? I originally wanted to insert the code in the header of the site, but I do not know how to perform the function only on the main page of the site. Perhaps you can tell?


    Hello @lyuba-dobrovskaya,

    While we have inspected your website. The slider HTML is loaded in the site however the slider is not initialized due to Slider JS load.

    As the issue is caused by the slider plugin itself and the Clean Commerce theme does not declare support with Smart Slider plugin, issue fixings for compatibility with a third-party plugin are beyond the scope of this support forum.

    Our suggestion would be to contact the respective plugin’s support forum regarding the resolution of the issue.

    if you have any confusions/queries regarding the theme, please feel free to post your queries here.

    Hope you would understand,

    Best Regards !!

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