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  • #38053

    Hi, we kindly seek your support for 8 issues that we are facing with our theme, all these issues are well described in the attached link http://effortsias.com/th/

    In order to solve these issues you would have to create a user id on our website http://www.effortsias.com>member section then go to online test section and take one test ( you need not answer any question just submit the test) this is required because one part of the problem deals with the email sent to the user having some theme related issues, borders of the table are missing) and compare the result which is shown just after submitting the test and the same when emailed to the user

    other issues you can observe on the test stats page under online test section

    we could have provided you with a user id but then also one part of the problem would have been left unresolved as email is sent to the id of the user, so only you could observe it

    please also examine the theme (www.effortsias.com) on a mobile device as it is not fully mobile responsive as some sections of the page don’t align well

    all these issues are well described in the link provided above


    Hello @blackgelgmail-com,

    For the #issue-2 ,

    To change the style of the content for each page you can goto to page editor screen (text mode) and HTML code for styling i.e you can add the inline style here.

    For #issue-3

    For this use please use below CSS.

    div#featured-news-events {
        display: none;

    And for the remaining issue, the issues listed described in the screenshots is seen in the pages created by the “Membership Plugin”.

    As we do not have not tested the themes compatibility with the third party plugin, We cannot be fully assured on its compatibility with theme in terms of layout.

    So in order to solve the issue Our suggestion to you is to hire a professional developer for your customization, so that your theme will no be effected in any way.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below

    We hope it helps,

    Best Regards.


    For Issue 1

    After installing your theme we did not change many colours (only 2- 3 colours we changed but nothing regarding text colour), could plz suggest which colour may be affecting the progress bar colour as mention in issue 1 screenshot

    For issue 4

    (a) we do not want this white space below the sliders
    (b) how to adjust the vertical position of the slider if we want to lower it a bit

    you did not mention about issue 5, 7, and 8

    for issue 8 we have already contacted the official support team and they have informed us that this is controlled by theme behaviour, issue 5 and 8 are important to us

    the resolution offered for issue 3 (we think you meant issue 4) does nothing


    Hello @blackgelgmail-com,

    For issue #1,
    The color for the progress bar as you have mentioned in your screen shot is controlled by the plugin itself. so the theme doesn’t have the options of color for this bar as it comes from the plugin.

    For issue #4

    Please use below CSS in the location Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS .

    div#featured-news-events {
        display: none;
    .home div#content {
        display: none;

    This will reduce the white space below the slider .

    For issue #5 and #7

    The screen shot you have mentioned for the issue 5 and 7 is the responsive view of the section that comes from the plugin. So please consult with the respective forum for the design issue .

    For issue #8.

    The table is working absolutely fine in the theme . As seen in the screenshot, the table borders are displayed properly in the page. The processing of the email contents is done by the plugin, and the layout in the e-mail is not controlled by the theme.

    Also not to forget that the theme has not done any compatibility testing with the third party plugin you have used . Theme only support the plugin recommended by the theme itself.

    Also, as we have mentioned earlier, support for Issues that is created by the use of any third-party plugins usage is not included in theme support provided by this support forum

    Hope you understand.

    Best Regards!!


    Thanks for your kind support, one extraordinary request if you could suggest some code to fix issue 5, we are thankful to you


    Hello @blackgelgmail-com,

    As we have checked the theme locally , issue #5 does not exist as you can seen in our theme demo.


    The issue is due to incompatibility with the plugin.

    If you have any theme related issue then post them and we will assist you further.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

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