Home Forums Pro Themes WEN Associate Pro Powered by Wen and Trying to add an extra page

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    I have a licensed copy of your theme but I am unable to get rid of your “Powered BY” text. How do I get rid of this?

    I am also trying to add an extra page and r=for some reason it does not want to appear on my site. What am I doing wrong? I was able to make the other pages but now that it is licensed I am not able to add any pages.


    Hello @dominicancreations

    You can easily get rid or “Powered BY” text from the customize section.
    For that you need to go to Admin Panel / Appearance / Customize / Themes Options / Footer Options.
    In this section you will see Powered By Text option, from here you can change the text or leave the field empty if you don’t “Powered BY” text.
    Further you can refer here http://themepalace.com/theme-instructions/wen-associate-pro/#HowtomanageFooterOptions?

    And having license has nothing to do with the pages.
    You need to create pages and click on Publish button and add that particular page to the menu that you have assigned to Primary Menu form Menu Location.
    You can further refer here https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide for how to add items to menu.
    Note: Check the page you have created is not in schedule mode or draft mode.

    Further if you can provide you site URL the it would be much more easier for me.

    Best Regards!!!


    i have photo perfect theme please tell me how to remove powered by text in footer ,as in customize option when you go to footer options only copy write option is coming.


    Hello @saru

    Note: Please post you issue regarding your theme in particular theme’s support forum and create new topic for new issue rather than continuing in previous topic.

    The option that you are looking for is currently not available in free version of the theme through customization section.
    However this is easily available in pro version of the theme.
    In pro version of the theme other more additional options are available to you.
    You can check awesome feature of the pro version of the theme here http://themepalace.com/downloads/photo-perfect-pro/

    Best Regards!!

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