Home Forums Pro Themes WEN Associate Pro Problem with Testimonial widget


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  • #23192
    Louise Roy

    When I keep activated the Pager lines, the number of pagers is doubled. Look at my home page louiseroy.com

    I have 5 testimonies but 10 pagers… 5 are empty. Same problem if it 3 testimonies, I have 6 pagers.

    This problem also occurs with the Featured Slider in the header. I disabled it while I get a solution.

    I use WP 4.6.1. Thanks for reply.


    @louiseoy, as much as we are sure about it the theme itself has no bug or issue as tested on the latest version.

    If you have any third-party plugins installed then there could be some plugin conflicts causing this issue. So kindly verify it by disabling those plugins and re-activating them one-by-one to see if problem lies within them.

    If still this issue persists, kindly write us back. We will try to help you.

    Louise Roy

    Thanks a lot for your answer. And you’re right…!

    The problem come from the widget SiteOrigin Slidet that work perfect on my sidebar to annouce property… Do you have another slider to recommand?


    Louise Roy

    No need to answer my previous post, my problem is resolved! Thanks!!

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