Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Read More bug with Event List plugin

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  • #22074

    I have the Event List plugin on Education Hub Pro. It seems to work fine. But when I put in the read more tag on an event item, the page with the full list shows this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for education_hub_content_more_link() in /www/virtualhosts/wp.advancement.wm.edu/public_html/wp-content/themes/education-hub-pro/inc/hook/basic.php on line 129

    Is there something I could easily clean up in basic.php or to try a different way to handle the event in the page to show only the teaser text before linking out to the listing page?


    Hello @mdshushan,

    The event list plugin you are using in your website has not been tested for compatibility with Education Hub Pro Theme and hence is not recommended.

    The theme functions seems to have conflict with the third-party plugin and that might have been causing the error messages.

    As much as we would like to help you with this, third party plugin compatibility support is beyond the scope of this support forum. You can however consider Hiring a Custoimizer for your issue resolution with custom tasks.

    Hope you would understand,

    Best Regards !!

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