Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Right hand side menu within WP customer area

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  • #44267
    Pethick Pethick

    I have just upgraded to EducationHub Pro and since upgrading, a new right hand side menu has just appeared within my customer area. It has the following menu items in it
    * site admin
    * Log out
    * Entries.css
    * Comments.rss
    * WordPress.org

    How can I get rid of this menu? The menu doesnt appear in my appearance > menus section. It has only appeared since upgrading from the free version to the PRO

    Thanks in advance

    Pethick Pethick

    Wow, co-incidentally just found a new widget had appeared. I’ve deleted it and now it has gone.


    Hello @timechart,

    Glad that you have figured out your issue by your self .

    If you have any issue further, please feel free to post them .

    Best Regards!!

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