Home Forums Pro Themes Trade Line Pro Service Icons (Featured Content) – How To Align them Center

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  • #15572

    Maybe I missed a setting somewhere, but the service Icons on the front (home) page demo for this theme show to be centered, but in the install and setup, these icons are Not centered, they are left aligned.

    I had to use custom CSS to get the icons to center, but I should not have to do that.

    Can you tell me where this setting is located?


    @al4954Vn, yes you are correct. By default setup the services icon should be centrally aligned as per demo. There could be other reason of CSS conflict that is causing this issue.

    Try to disable plugin or check to see if any extra custom CSS is there.

    If possible, please share your site URL so that we could try figuring out the solution for you after inspecting your browser source code.


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    Hello @assad

    Please always create your own thread for posting your new issues. Posting new queries in older thread breaks the flow of support and makes it difficult to address individual issues.

    Please post your issue in a new thread and we will gladly assist you there.

    Hope you would understand,
    Best Regards !!



    They are pretty good on how fast you get a support reply and a separate thread works a lot better for those who need to find an answer for the same thing. Otherwise any answer to this thread to your request ends up buried.



    I am referring to Trade Line Pro theme, just to make sure we are on the same page.

    The icons I refer that appear are from the “Featured Content Type” in customizer. The only plugin I have that may refer to this is the “WEN Featured Image” plugin and deactivating that plugin makes no difference.

    Disabling the “Featured Content Type” only removes the entire featured boxes, content and icon and all.

    I looked at the some of the PHP files for the “WEN Featured Image” plugin and could not find any CSS settings for the icon image alignment in those files.

    There is no custom CSS specially for this alignment made by anyone else. I had to create a custom CSS style to alter the alignment to fix it.

    But as I mentioned, there should be no need to do the custom CSS, the theme or plugin or both need to do it automatically, and even better, provide “options” for us to choose the alignment of the featured image.

    So I suppose that the update for theme and/or plugin will address this issue?


    Hello @al4954Vn

    We tried to recreate your described issue on our side but could not find your issue as everything works fine on our side.

    Yes, you do not need to provide any custom CSS for the icons to align center as it is handled by the theme itself. Please update your theme if you have any updates pending and see if it resolves the error.

    Also, please provide us with your site URL so that we can pin on your issue with browser inspection.

    Hope you would understand,
    Best Regards!!


    I like the support method here, but it has one failing, actual support from the theme vendor has no method to provide a support agent information for login access to inspect the install and I am certainly not going to post that info here.

    If you (Theme vendor support) have access to my email address for my account here at Theme Palace, send me an email and I will reply with login credentials. This because the website is still under construction for the client and its behind a “Coming Soon” maintenance page.

    Are you able to do that?


    You can DM your login credential at info[at]wensolutions.com. Support team will inspect the installation once to verify your issue. Later you can change your logins for your security concern.


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    Wen Support will not answer your question here because here is not the theme you use it is also the wrong Theme Forum, this forum here applies to “Trade Line Pro” which is designed differently than your theme.

    Please do this

    • Log into ThemePalace to your account.
    • Make sure your email address is current in your profile
    • Click “Support” in the top menu
    • In the middle part of the page, the drop menu “Select a Theme/Plugin”, select your theme from the list, “Education Hub Pro”
    • Bottom of the page, post your question
    • Make sure you check “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” at the bottom of the posting message area
    • Wen will answer you there




    Any answers yet as to why my Featured Icons at not centered?


    Hello @al4954Vn

    As much as we would love to help you with your issue but you need to post your site URL so that we can debug your issue in much more details and provide you with some possible solution.
    So, either you need to provide us your site URL or send your login credentials at support[at]wensolutions.com

    Hope you understand.


    I did provide the information via email to your email address. What happened, did you loose it?

    I will send it again within the next few minutes.

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