Home Forums Pro Themes Mediclean Pro Sidebar widget colors

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    I want to add a calendar to the sidebar but the default colors have no option to modify. Is there a way to control what colors are used with various widgets? Thanks, Mike


    Hello @Dialinking,

    The Mediclean Pro theme has a bunch of color options bundled inside the theme customizer that lets you customize colors in your website.

    Could you please provide us your website URL and the colors you want to change so that we could provide you with some precise CSS codes for the task ??

    Best Regards !!


    Thanks for getting back to me.

    My website that i am working on is prairiespringers.ca

    On the home page, i added the calendar to the primary sidebar


    Hello @dialinking,

    The colors for the calender widget is defined in the theme itself. If you wish to change the calendar label and active day colors, you can add in the following custom CSS in your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS :

    .widget_calendar caption {
        background: #b5d3d3 none repeat 
    .widget_calendar #today {
        background: #b5d3d3 none repeat scroll 0 0;

    You can change the color hex code in the code with the color hex of your desired color. For reference on color hex code, please see the link here : http://www.color-hex.com/

    If you need any assistance further, please feel free to post your queries here.

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!

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