Home Forums Pro Themes Signify Pro silder image sizing issues

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  • #132806
    Paty Devlin

    I can’t find the suggested image size for the slider image. I have tried multiple sizes and they are all being cropped or resized and don’t look right. Also, when I try to add the text or link information it changes the image layout completely. Can anyone direct me to information on this?



    Regarding your query, please add the image of size 1280*1024 for the slider which will help you display the image in the proper way.

    Further, we are not quite clear with your query about how the text changes the image layout so provide us with the specific screenshot of the issue and your site URL so that we can help you with fixes too.


    Paty Devlin

    I am using the theme Signify Pro. The Website is at chrisjayne.com

    I don’t think the size you mentioned is for the same slider I’m referring to. This screenshot shows the slider I was trying to work with. If there is an easier option or a tutorial on the header randomizer vs. the featured slider, that would be great too.

    How do I send screenshots?



    Regarding your query, when we inspected your site, there are not any sections as you might have not enabled the sections of the theme.

    You can refer to the documentation link given below for detailed assistance on the theme setup.


    Further, you can import the demo data from the detailed assistance of the below link.


    Also, To import demo data following steps is required
    – First Catch Themes Demo Import plugin is required
    – Tp Education plugin should be active
    – Theme go to Appearance >> Theme Palace Demo Import
    from there just click an import button one of Demo data to import Data

    Note: Importing Demo data may take 5 – 10 minute to be fully done

    After the demo is imported, you can manually edit the contents from there.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.


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