Home Forums Free Themes WEN Business Title text disappears when adding a logo


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    Hi Guys

    I hope someone can help with my problem.

    Using WEN business template, I originally had a site title for the site, and when I later added logo in site identity, the site title disappeared.

    Any thoughts as to how I can keep the logo image and have the title to the right of it?

    I cant see that there are options for one or the other and not both.

    Thanks in advance


    Hello @BestGear

    Currently the feature you are looking for is not available in free version of the theme.
    However this feature is easily available on the pro version of the theme , including other more awesome features.
    You can check http://themepalace.com/downloads/wen-business-pro/ for more details.
    But if you do not want to upgrade to the pro version you can always hire a customizer. Fill up the form and send your details to hire a customizer http://wensolutions.com/#hire-customizer-form.

    Hope this will help you.

    Best regards!!


    Sto testando la versione free , ma non riesco a far funzionare le Categorie e non riesco ad inserire il search Widget come nell’ esempio della demo … posso avere supporto prima di comprare il tema ?


    Thanks for confirming the situation – I thought as both options were present, Imust have been doing something wrong.

    It also looked like a bug, given that the template lets you set both concurrently…and not work!


    Before buying this want to understand! if you click the category must appear the chosen category

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