Home Forums Pro Themes University Hub Pro Translate to Russian

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  • #50214

    Good morning!

    Sorry for my English, i am from Kazakhstan. I have some questions:
    1. I installed Free version in Russian, and now i want to bye PRO version, so if i update my theme , all setting will be the same? I mean all will stay in Russian or it will be update and all will be in English?
    2. Do u have PUB versin in Russian?


    Hello @te100,

    The customizer setting that you have done in the free version will not copied to the pro version if you upgrade to the pro version how ever the database will be there of the free version.

    Also let us inform you that University Hub Pro is fully responsive theme and can be translated in any language . The theme language will be according to your Dashboard Language . If your Dashboard is in Russian language then your theme will also be in Russian language .

    Not only this with the pro version you can enjoy a lots of other feature which you might want to consider .

    To know more about the pro version please refer to below link:


    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!


    So, it means, that i can byu PRO version and i will have created web site in Russing and in PRO version with saved information?


    Hello @te100,

    You can definitely create you website in the Russian language as the theme is already translation ready .

    Also as you will have he database saved you can use the information.

    Hope this clears the confusion .

    Best Regards!!

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