Home Forums Pro Themes University Hub Pro Translation files?

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  • #56276

    Hi good people.

    I have an University Hub Pro theme.

    I would like to translate some default things like 404 and so on.

    I have found the .pot file in wp-content/themes/university-hub-pro/languages and opened it, created new .po files for the translation, translated few things, uploaded to the same place but nothing happens.

    Where should I put the files in order for them to be displayed in a wanted language? We are using Q-Translate-X.

    Best regards


    Hi again.

    Solved it.

    Renamed the files university-hub-pro-de_DE.po and uploaded them to wp-content/languages/themes.

    Best regards


    Hello @lampir,

    Glad we could help you !!

    If you have any issues further, please feel free to post your queries and we will happily help you further.

    We will really appreciate if you could help us too by rating our theme in WordPress repo here:-


    Best regards !!

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