Home Forums Free Themes Education Hub Unable to change the color of the links

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  • #83025

    Hello, thanks for your awesome theme. Please i have been trying to change the color of links but I haven’t seen any option to do this, please how will I change the links color and secondly I pasted a piece of code into my functions.php but the code is not executing and the codes is correct
    Please why is this happening, thanks for your support

    //Adding Header Code in AMP pages in WordPress
     add_action(‘amp_post_template_head’,’nhb_amp_my_custom_head’); function nhb_amp_my_custom_head($amp_template) { ?> //adsense_header_code <?php }
    //Adding Footer Code in AMP pages in WordPress
     add_action(‘amp_post_template_footer’,’nhb_amp_my_custom_footer’); function nhb_amp_my_custom_footer($amp_template) { ?> //adsense_body_code <?php }


    To change the link color please refer to the documentation.

    Regarding the given code, we’re not quite why that didn’t work. Please reach out to Customizer for further assistance in relation to the coding customization.


    Hello @froshdimeji,

    PS: The color option is not available in the free version of the theme but only in the pro version.

    So, if you would like to enjoy the color option you can upgrade to the pro version.

    Regarding your code, we have researched a little bit and found that with the plugin active, all posts on your site will have AMP-compatible versions, accessible by appending /amp/ to the end your post URLs. For example, if your post URL is http://example.com/2016/01/01/amp-on/, you can access the AMP version at http://example.com/2016/01/01/amp-on/amp/.

    Hope this helps.


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