Home Forums Free Themes Travel Insight Video not displaying on phone correctly

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  • #109872
    Andrew Lamb

    I have added several vimeo videos to apage I’ve rather imaginatively called videos https://www.cardifflifemodel.co.uk/?page_id=143 and the page looks good on my laptop. However, when you look at the same page on a phone the videos are widely spaced and the result is poor

    Is this a known issue and is there a way to correct this?



    As for now, to remove space between videos in mobile view, please add following given CSS in Additional CSS section by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

    @media screen and (max-width: 768px){
      .wp-block-embed iframe{
        height: 410px;
    @media screen and (max-width: 668px){
      .wp-block-embed iframe{
        height: 355px;
    @media screen and (max-width: 568px){
      .wp-block-embed iframe{
        height: 310px;
    @media screen and (max-width: 468px){
      .wp-block-embed iframe{
        height: 255px;
    @media screen and (max-width: 368px){
      .wp-block-embed iframe{
        height: 215px;

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    Andrew Lamb

    That works – thank you



    Glad that we could help you.

    If you have any queries further, let us know.

    Thank you.

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