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  • in reply to: Gallery images are blurry #126864


    Regarding your query, please update to the latest version of the WP Travel plugin and also make sure to verify the issue has been resolved as we have fixed the issue in the recent version.

    Also, refer to the documentation link below which might help you solve your issue of image quality.

    If the issue still persists, kindly let us know.


    in reply to: translation #126729


    Regarding your query, the issue you have mentioned regarding filter translate which is managed by the theme so you have to translate the strings from theme following the path Admin Panel > LOCO Translate > Themes > Travel Ultimate Pro and translate the filter strings.

    Also, regarding your issue of translation in trip booking, which is the known issue. We have reported the issue and we will be working on that and release the update fixing the issues.

    Hoping for your kind co-operation.

    If you have further queries, kindly let us know.


    in reply to: I cannot customize my site #126725

    Hello @ibrahimelfarahgmail-com,

    First of all, thank you very much for the purchase.

    For your kind information, we never push our dear customer to hire the professionals unless it is a new feature request which needs higher code customization.

    For every issues in our product, we are responsible and we always tend to fix them in a timely manner. Now coming back to your query, the pro version does not generate such type of issue. So the issue might be in your specific setting for which we need your site URL. Even if we could not figure out from this then we need your admin login to verify the issue.

    But before that, you need to check the issue from your level as well so once switch back to the default theme and verify the issue. If the issue persists even with the default theme there must be an issue in your setting.

    Another step would be checking by deactivating the third party plugin if you have installed any as third party plugin can be one of the causes for the issue.

    Please get back to us if the steps do not fix the issue.

    Thank you and stay safe.

    in reply to: Wp Travel Search Filter #126720

    Hello @rickfamous,

    Yes, you can definitely change the search filter text through the filter and for this you need to create and activate the child theme.

    To know how you can create and activate the child theme, refer to below given link:

    After creating the child theme, in your child theme functions.php paste below given code.

    function customized_strings( $strings ) {
        $strings['trip_type'] = __( 'Your Trip type', 'wp-travel' );
        $strings['search'] = __( 'Your Search', 'wp-travel' );
        $strings['location'] = __( 'Your Location', 'wp-travel' );
        return $strings;
    add_filter( 'wp_travel_search_filter_label_strings', 'customized_strings' ); 

    Here change the text as per your requirement.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: I cannot customize my site #126713

    Hello @adelsn39,

    The issue is very unlikely to happen, Can you please once check the issue in the fresh setup. Also, make sure to download the zip again as there might have been missing some file while downloading the plugin.

    Upload the theme following the instructions mentioned. Make sure there is no any third party plugin activated in the setup.

    For your information, the pro theme is working fine on our side.

    If the issue still persist then please provide your site URL along with the Admin Login detail so that we can inspect the issue further and help you.

    Email: wensolution[at]

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Header-Image Section #126712


    Regarding your query, please update your theme to the latest version of the theme. The latest update has a feature enhancement with the header image as its feature.

    So, please verify with the latest update and let us know if you have any queries.




    Regarding your query about the menu, you can add the CSS following the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to make the menu visible even in the active page.

    .lite-version #masthead .main-navigation ul#primary-menu ul > li.current-menu-item > a {
        color: #600e3f;
        font-weight: bold;

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, kindly let us know.


    in reply to: Can’t Access Homepage Setting #126710


    Glad you found the workaround.




    Please find answers regarding your queries pointwise below:

    Query1: Limited Font Type Support and no individual options for H1 to H6 and P tag

    Response: Regarding Font Type, we will note the feature you have requested as feature request and will work on it.

    Also, regarding individual options for H1 to H6 and p tag, normally theme doesn’t provide such type of feature. However,
    we will inform to theme author regarding this feature.

    Query2: No Font size support for H1 to H6 and P tag

    Response: Actually, the font sizes are already defined for H1 to H6 and p tag. So, no option will be provided by any
    theme regarding font size option for H1 to H6 and p tag.

    Query3: Button Color, Button Hover Color – Change option- Only predefined options(Color Scheme) -and no options for setting it without writing additional css.

    Response: We will note the feature regarding providing option for setting color for button and button hover and will
    work on it.

    Query4: Subscription Section Limited to Jetpack only.

    Response: As for now, subscription section can be activated with installation of Jetpack plugin.

    Query5: No testimonial standalone Page/Page Template, so that it can display all the testimonials for the site.

    Response: Actually ,there is no standalone page to display all the testimonials for the site. However, you can display
    testimonials in front page as per your requirement.

    For detail assistance, please refer below given link:

    Query6: No Option to display – who we are and what we offer. The existing “services”, “About Us” section doesn’t offer what it is meant to be.

    Response:You can create pages and assigned to ‘About Us’ and ‘Services’ section to display the content you are willing
    to display in ‘who we are’ and ‘what we offer’ sections.If you are willing to add ‘who we are’ and ‘what we offer’ section then higher code customization is required.

    Query7: Also it doesn’t even list the destinations/trip types/Activity types (the categories and not the trip items).

    Response: Actually, we are not quite clear with query. However if you referring that the terms you have mentioned are
    not being listed in customize section then you can view the list of terms you have mentioned and can select one by going
    to Admin Panel > Customize > Front Page > Popular Destination.

    Also, please make sure that destinations/trip types/activity type has been added for the trip.

    Query8: Header image size issue, font size issue in Mobile display.

    Response: Please explain the issue you are facing with specific screenshot so that we can see if we can provide you
    custom CSS.

    Query9: I am not sure if themepalace is maintained fully by WEN Solutions as I see the developer of the Travel Master Pro theme as themepalace, while few other themes have developers named as “Wen Solutions. quite confusing.

    Response: Actually, we provide support for our product as well as for product(themes) of themepalace. So, if you face
    any issue related to theme you can post to us via email or themepalace forum.

    Query10: Unable to see the changelog for the theme.

    Response: You can view change log of the theme through readme file which is located inside theme(name) folder.

    If you have any queries further, let us know.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: translation #126582


    Please provide us with a screenshot of the sections where you want translation so that we can help you with it.


    in reply to: Changing Color Scheme Color #126581


    The feature to change the color in free theme is limited as you can refer to the screenshot given below.

    Regarding your query, to add custom colors you have to hire a customizer or hire a freelancer as it requires hard code customization.


    in reply to: Can’t Access Homepage Setting #126580


    As per your query regarding layout and homepage setup, set the home page to the static page. To set your desired page as homepage in your site, you have to follow the path APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE > HOMEPAGE SETTING and then check the static page option.

    Also, click the dropdown of the homepage and set the page you want to display on the homepage.

    For further clarification, you can go through the screenshot

    Further, you can refer to the documentation link given below for the homepage setup.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: HTML does not work in the about us section #126578

    Hello @ATLANTASEN9,

    Please explain in detail your query so that we can be clear. Also please provide us with your site URL and screenshots of the sections.


    in reply to: Mobile Version Menu #126572


    You can add the site URL here and you can use the light shot app to capture the screenshot.


    in reply to: “Header color” Am I missing something? #126571


    Sorry for the inconvenience but your site is still under construction, also please provide us with the screen record showing the exact issue you have faced so that we can inspect in detail to help you with the precise fixes.


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