Home Forums Pro Themes Clean Commerce Pro Change category button layout

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  • #119975
    Donna Wolfenden

    Upgraded from Free to Pro and the add to card/read more buttons have changed from a static position below each product to animating over the product thumbnail. We prefer the style on the free version.

    Is there an option somewhere to change this? Trying to avoid messing with theme files as much as possible.


    Hello @gekko,

    Thank you very much for upgrading to the pro version.

    Regarding the button query, the pro theme is designed in a way as you have mentioned with the animation but as for the free version, we kept it simple. Now coming back to your query, to make the button to like in the free version will require higher code customization.

    So as for now, it is not possible so, if you wish then you can hire a freelancer or a professional designer.

    Let us know if you have any queries further.

    Thank you.

    Sakin Shrestha

    Hello @gekko,

    The issue has been fixed in Clean Commerce Pro Version 2.7. Please update it.


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