Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro How to add Sidebar on the Blog page only

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  • #57648
    Makoto T


    Currently I am creating a company web site by using your great Education Hub Pro template. Our site has some pages such as About US, Services, contact form, and company Blog. I need to add Sidebar on the Blog page. Other pages do not need sidebar.

    I know that we add Primary Sidebar on all Content page, but I just would like to add Primary Sidebar on the Blog page only.

    I cannot find out any information about it, can you please advise me how to do it?

    I am looking firward to hearing from you very soon.

    – Mac


    Hello @makota,

    First of all thank you very much for using the pro version .

    The theme has provided the option where you can set the sidebar for each page through the Meta option available in pages edit screen .

    So in your case go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Layout Options > Global Layout and set No Sidebar option .

    Then go to Blog page edit screen . At the button you can see the meta option Theme Setting > Chose Layout . Here chose the option from the dropdown for the sidebar .

    Hope this helps .

    If you have any issue further, please feel free to post them .

    Best Regards!!

    Makoto T


    Thank you for your quick $ kind reply.

    I am afraid that I already tried to do set our Blog page as your advice before, but it does not work. I did set it as below image, and other combinations too…

    Setting of Blog Page on Education Hub Pro

    FYI, I would copy current codes of this our Blog page on the admin panel of WordPress as below:
    <div id=”pl-320″ class=”panel-layout”>
    <div id=”pg-320-0″ class=”panel-grid panel-has-style” data-style=”{"padding":"0rem 1rem 0rem 1rem","mobile_padding":"0rem 1rem 0rem 1rem","background_display":"tile","cell_alignment":"flex-start"}” data-ratio=”0.61803398″ data-ratio-direction=”right”>
    <div class=”panel-row-style panel-row-style-for-320-0″>
    <div id=”pgc-320-0-0″ class=”panel-grid-cell” data-weight=”1″>
    <div id=”panel-320-0-0-0″ class=”so-panel widget widget_sow-editor panel-first-child panel-last-child” data-index=”0″ data-style=”{"background_display":"tile"}”>
    <div class=”so-widget-sow-editor so-widget-sow-editor-base”>
    <div class=”siteorigin-widget-tinymce textwidget”>

    Blog is here.


    It is much appreciated if you could give me your advice to solve this problem.

    – Makoto


    Hello @makoto,

    Please try by setting the global layout to sidebar option .

    For those pages which does not need the sidebar , go to individual page edit screen send set the Chose Layout option to No sidebar .

    Hope this helps .

    Kindly let sub know if this works for you or not .

    Best Regards!!

    Makoto T


    This your 2nd advice does work! Thank you for your quick & great help!!

    – Makoto


    Hello @makoto,

    Glad we could help you !!

    If you have any issues further, please feel free to post your queries and we will happily help you further.

    We will really appreciate if you could help us too by rating our theme in WordPress repo here:-


    Best Regards !!

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