Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro How to select events category on home page?

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    I’m trying to follow your Education Hub Pro documentation for setting up blog posts and event posts on the home page. It tells me to click How to select events category on home page? to learn more about how to select the events category on the home page but when I click on it, I’m taken directly to the support forum. Right now blog posts are repeated in the events section. How do I get only events to populate this area/section of the home page?


    Hello @wcms,

    First of all thank you very much for using the theme.

    Currently, there is no such feature in the theme and as much as we would love to help you with this, we are unable to do so as it requires a higher level of code customization.

    So our suggestion to you is to hire our professional developer so that you would get what you want.

    To hire a developer please refer to below given link:


    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!

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