Home Forums Pro Themes Easy Commerce Pro Incluir ícones de redes sociais

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  • #82226

    Boa tarde,

    Como faço para incluir ícones de redes sociais no rodapé, já marquei a caixa ” show social icons” mas não aparece onde incluir o link e alterar o ícone.


    Hello @maderodecor,

    To display the social icon on the top header please follow below given steps:

    Step 1: Create the social menu by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Menu by including your desired custom links:



    Step 2: Assign the created social menu to the social menu location either from Admin Panel > Appearance > menus or from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Menus > Menu Location.

    Step 3: Now go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Theme Option > Footer option and enable the option “Show Social Icons“.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

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